About Us
“Generate Buzz Without Getting Stung” is at the core of all we do. We’ve been around for more than 25 years, and since 1999 we’ve helped hundreds of customers grow their businesses.
BizzyWeb is a full-service Digital Marketing Agency that offers Web Design, Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing, and Growth Driven Design programs that help our B2B customers drive traffic and convert leads. As HubSpot and Constant Contact partners, we offer onboarding and training for both platforms.
Our team members are HubSpot accredited, Google and Constant Contact certified, and we’re leading partners with each. With HubSpot, we’re accredited Platinum Tier Partners, which puts us in the top 1% of partners worldwide.
See some of the work we’ve done to help companies grow.

Passion and Values

Our Passion is being collaboractive in our clients’ success and growth. We get excited about looking at a problem, solving it, and seeing results over months and years. We will succeed because our clients succeed. We’ve built our family around 3 core values: Integrity, Fun, and Education.
Above all, we value authenticity and transparency. To us, they’re not just buzzwords to put on an about page. We genuinely want you to achieve your goals. We want you to know the exact why, what, where, when and how of our process. That’s why everything we do starts from a Strategic Game Plan that identifies your marketing personas, core business goals, and realistic tactics to get you on the right path. Our clients are involved in every step of the marketing process and have complete control over their accounts, including websites, marketing assets and tactics.
See what our clients have to say about BizzyWeb.
Educating Everyone
One of our Core Values is Education. We believe that everyone should have the digital marketing knowledge to make their company successful. We offer monthly free BizzyWebinars and other speaking events throughout the year. We also have two nationally-known speakers who could speak at your next event.
Last but not least, we like to keep everyone informed about best practices and news in the Digital Marketing world with our BizzyNews blog. If you would like to hear directly from us with this news, you can either subscribe to our blog, or sign-up for our monthly BizzyNews eNewsletter.

BizzyWeb is Located in Minneapolis, MN and Serves the Twin Cities Metro Area and Beyond
11190 Commerce Drive N
Minneapolis, MN 55316
Tel: 612-424-9990
Email: hello@bizzyweb.com